F: Warum sollte jemand HCG intramuskulär anstelle von sub-q empfehlen? Viele Typen scheinen es so zu benutzen. Ich dachte nur immer, HCG und Insulin wären sub-q.

EIN: Ob Sie es glauben oder nicht, empfiehlt der Hersteller HCG-Injektionen intramuscular. Odd, huh? Who knew? It is a little known fact that has been bypassed by people doing just the opposite and most people injecting sub-q. While I can’t argue with the manufacturer, I will say that you should use the method that works best for you. Since almost all of us have used HCG under the skin, I think it’s safe to say that using it this way is fine. But, try the intramuscular to see if your dose goes up or down or it’s more effective. Just remember, sticking muscles is a lot more painful. Sub-q is a great, painless form of delivery. Thank your lucky stars that you can do GH, ’slin and HCG sub-q.

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